some of you may think you have the perfect grandmother. and you probably do. but my cousins and i definitely have THE perfect grandmother. just look how classic and classy. this last weekend for the annual frandsen family reunion, we also celebrated my grandma's 90th birthday. she has been "29 years old" for as long as i can remember, but this year, she actually turned 90, sorry for outing you, Grandma.
so we spent the day down in gunnison with my dad's whole extended family. not everyone was there, but grandma has 39 grandchildren, and 52 (+ 3 fetuses) great-grandchildren. that's pretty incredible.
we spent the day taking large group photos out at the farm (not pictured, i left my camera in the car); playing a little cousins' pigskin; lounging; laughing/mocking; and lots of eating.
my cousin stevey was on a mission to get grandma and grandpa's story for a mini film project he was devising, so i got to sit in and capture of little footage of my own. this shot is in grandma's kitchen while grandpa was telling us about their first kiss. he likes to brag that he stole the first kiss, but after that every one of them were given to him...
emily also got to envision what it would have been like to be a quintessential 1950's housewife sitting out on the porch of her perfectly quaint brick home. william played along as well.

at night, my cousin libby set up a homage to grandma's kitchen in the garden park behind their house with cupcakes and deliciousness everywhere. we listened to grandma tell children's stories to the greats and the adult siblings took turns sharing memories they had had with their mother.
all in all it was a fun time. i wish i would have taken more pictures. but we did manage to pose for more than a few of just the three of us... somewhat egomaniacal, but what are you going to do?