Thursday, April 9, 2009

check out our adorable sea creature!

by emily.

so yesterday peter and i trekked up to the upper east side for our nucal translucency screening ultra sound. in this ultra sound they were checking for genetic abnormalities, such as downs syndrome, and trisomy 13 and 18. luckily, after the blood test and ultra sound, our results showed that the likelihood that our baby will have one of these disorders is very, very slim.

below are some of the pictures of our baby from our ultra sound. it was AMAZING how much we could see of our cute, little, alien baby! the technician also did a 3D ultra sound, and even a 4D ultra sound (the 4th dimension being time, which basically means we got to see a live video of our baby squirming around). we had so much fun watching our little one bounce, kick, squirm, and shake its little body all over the place. we couldn't believe how active it was throughout the whole ultra sound, but then once the technician had me cough, we were really in for a show! anyway, we hope you enjoy the pictures!!!!!

we think it is trying to suck a thumb...

this is the 3D picture. and that is just the umbilical cord... :) we don't know the gender yet...


ron said...

Emily, thanks for your perspective. The pictures make everything more real. Given the size of the head I predict your baby will be very intelligent. Love,Dad

mom/shauna said...

Emily~ your baby is already adorable. Your explanation of the ultrasounds helped us understand the tests. How fun to have an active baby. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Jill T said...

So cute. Did you guys get a video of the ultrasound? We only have a video of Lucas and I love it. The hospital for the triplets wouldn't let us have a video, and the machine was broken for Simon. So 1out of 5 is good, I guess. :)

Hepworths said...

Oh hooray! It's real - so happy for you guys. Congrats.

Emily Frandsen said...

jill, no we didn't get to take a video with us . . . hopefully at some later point we will be able to.

are you guys getting excited for the big birthday parties coming up???

MJ said...

That is such a neat moment to experience together. It's just amazing how alive they are inside of you already, and how "real" it makes the pregnancy to watch your baby inside. Thanks for sharing.

Peter--Becki and I went through our masters program together at the U. We had a lot of classes together and I just adore her. It was a neat coincidence to discover the connection to Jill!

Dede said...

Amazing! Can't wait to hear what you're having.

Denyse said...

So I promise I'm not a bad friend, I haven't blogged in like a month! Melissa just told me the news, congrats to you both!! I must say I'm not that suprised though :) So I bet you were prego when I talked to you that one day too! I'm good....Were leaving probably the first week in June. When do you guys leave?

Alisa Larson said...

How awesome Emily!! Doesn't it make it so much more real when you see your baby for the first time. My friend did a scrapbook page with the ultra sound pics and it said across the top of the page, "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face". (you know that song right) It still makes me want to cry thinking how perfect those words capture the experience. I'm so happy for you Em!!

Kaedi said...

Oh I just love those first ultrasounds... somehow all the nausea and morning sickness doesn't seem so bad when you see the little bean squirming around. We're so excited for you guys!

Stephen said...

kind of like an alien robot...