Saturday, December 12, 2009

2nd annual frandsen family christmas party

merry christmas y'all! friday night peter and i hosted our second annual frandsen family christmas party, southern style. will was a good sport running errands with peter to get all of the necessary ingredients for our treats. here he is, our little christmas bear:
we raided the goodwill and got ourselves some sweet christmas sweaters--the way i look at it, you can never have enough french horn-decorated oversized sweatshirts. and a festive holiday house is always an ideal adornment.
we invited a bunch of friends from peter's residency and our ward. we had a great time drinking wassail, having a lively white elephant gift exchange, and listening to 'n sync and mariah carey serenade us some holiday cheer.

the white elephant gift exchange was full of surprises. josh and jo were lucky enough to get an EPT. because you just never know . . .
dave was super excited for his superman lingerie, however, peter and i just couldn't resist snatching it away from him!

and then of course, the bobble head of some athlete that i've never even heard of. apparently it's worth a lot of money, so even though paula brought it, she made sure to steal it back . . .

all in all it was a very fun night. now that we've celebrated with our mississippi-resident-family, we're excited to go home and celebrate with our real families! just one more week until we're on that plane!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

big shout out for a little city guy.

one thing i love is when good old salt lake city gets a shout out from the grey lady. it doesn't happen that often, but when it does, i giggle inside.

this time when i read this article, i giggled out loud, a.k.a. i LOL'd.

i'm not sure how many of you have heard the honorable mr. hatch's foray into musical creation. i have and it's hilarious. so the idea of him expanding his reach into the Jewish musical lexicon (if there is such a thing) adding to the likes of Matisyahu (link included to:) Matisyahumakes me laugh out loud. i just hope that it's as beautiful as some of the other lyrical wonders he has previously engineered.

i can't wait to hear what he's done and what else he has in store.

make us salt lakians proud, mr. hatch make us proud...!