i had somewhat of a pungent awakening this morning around 7:30. i had fed will about an hour before, but he was fussy and having trouble going back to sleep. i soon found out why . . . i'd been holding him and trying to soothe him when i realized he had a messy diaper. so, sitting on my bed with peter still asleep next to me, i decided to change his diaper. i didn't use a changing pad because he had a blanket and his pj's underneath him, and i also had the clean diaper ready just in case. i thought i had covered my bases. how wrong i was. with his legs up in the air in my left hand, and a wipe in my right, i was unprepared for what came at me next.
and what came at me was a whole bunch of poop shooting right out of will's bum.
it came at me with such force i was stunned. i hurried to stop it with my right hand, but i was too late. it hit my chin, my foreheard, and splattered down the whole front of me. it covered my hand, the sheets, his blanket, and his pj's. i was stunned. it even woke peter up. i asked peter for help, and so he grabbed a wipe and asked me what i needed. i told him, "my face, my face, get it off of my face!" peter started wiping my cheek--he wasn't even close to where the poo actually was and so i exclaimed, "no, my chin--right by my mouth!" "sorry," he said (as he was trying to wake up), "my eyes are still blurry, i can't really focus." then, as we were trying to clean up the massive mass, we looked up and saw this:
a look of complete innocence and relaxation. oh will, if only you knew what had just happened. if only you knew that now all of your clothes, blanket, my garments, our sheets, and mattress pad are soaking in oxy clean with hopes that your pungent, mustard colored feces won't stain them! luckily you're so dang cute that we just can't be mad. in fact, it was a really hilarious way to start off our day!
and just in case you're wondering what the crime scene looked like, here are a couple of photos; unfortunately, because of my garments, and because we didn't want to expose our baby on the internet, these photos really don't even show the least of the mess:

and here's a shot of our "straight shooter" after everyone was cleaned up. isn't he just adorable???